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Jadan Hay Handling Equipment

Whether you need hay handling equipment, lamb feeders, ARP, presswheels or vertical knives, all Jadans innovative systems have been designed by farmers to specifically cater for farmers throughout the country. Take the sweat out of handling big and square bales with Jadan Enterprises’ efficient bale systems.

Call Brian to discuss your requirements today

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Small Bale Grab

Ideal for any farmer, contractor or produce store handling small square bales.

The Jadan Grab is designed to attach to your front end loader or fork lift, operating automatically to pick up and hold a pack of small square bales.

The Grab saves collecting the bales by hand and is a fully electronic operation to transport and stack bales from the comfort of the tractor cab. A fast, easy to use handling solution where efficiency is a key feature, as the Grab assists in very fast loading of bales onto transport and storage.


Small Bale Accumulator

The Jadan Accumulator is designed to attached directly behind your small square baler, collecting 10 or 15 bales as they exit the bale chamber. When the bales have formed a neat pack, the tray then tips up and gently slides the bales onto the ground ready for collection. 

The Accumulator is ideal for any scale farmer or contractor baling small square bales. All the functions of the Accumulator are operated from the tractor cab, making it very simple and easy to use. Designed and manufactured in Australia, the Accumulator is made to withstand Australian conditions. 

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Big Bale Stacker

Ideal for the medium to smaller scale farmer handling big square bales.

The Jadan Big Bale Stacker is designed for those needing to get hay out of the paddock quickly and efficiently.  

Using just one man and one tractor, the Stacker operates quickly to collect and stack big square bales into stacks of 6 or 4 bales, for storage or transport. With a robust, simple design you can be assured that the Stacker will fill your requirements of a fast, uncomplicated hay handling system.

Based on versatility, the Stacker will pick bales in any direction, so in irrigation or large paddocks, it can run the same direction as the baler. The heavy duty flotation tyres provide a smooth ride across uneven ground, and an adjustable drawbar tongue allows for various tractor heights.

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